Author: Lily

  • Psalm 36

    Well, hello again. Grab a hot drink and join me in my note-sharing. Last week, I posted Psalm 35 and I thought I would continue from that this week. I have been studying in Galatians as well and would also like to share notes and thoughts! Stay tuned for more. This Psalm is very similar…

  • Photo Day No. 1

    Happy Thursday. 📸 It’s photo day. I spent the evening running through the muddy forest with my sisters, chasing after the neighbor’s cattle. What started as a nice walk turned into a fun run when our Pyrenees, Cathy, and Charles, decided to chase us—and the cattle. The trails were extremely muddy, the kind of mud…

  • The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies. Ever.



    Hey there. It’s time. 🤯 The recipe that my family ADORES is being released. Grab a notebook, snap a photo, or get ready to memorize, haha. No, I’m serious. Credits go to Sally @, but this recipe, after years of baking and trying to perfect her recipe, my mom and I got it and made…

  • A Small Week of Eating



    This past week, I kept things simple but delicious. Last Thursday, I ended the day with three farm eggs, fresh orange slices, parsley, and farro. I LOVE eating like this. It’s clean, healthy, and so, so simple. It never makes me feel overly full and makes me feel refreshed. Later, for the first time, I…

  • Coffee Day

    Happy Wednesday, friends. This post is for the coffee-lovers out there! Made a quick (actually, quite long) CoffeeHead run and finally tried their seasonal Earl Grey latte instead of my usual honey matcha (even though I was seriously craving another). After being stuck inside from the rain all day yesterday, we all needed to get…

  • Psalm 35

    Prayer for Rescue from Enemies – A Psalm of David This Psalm is “of David,” and it can be understood in a couple of ways. One possibility is that it’s about when David spared Saul’s life in the cave, as mentioned in 2 Samuel 24. Saul had been misled by lies about David and became…

  • Hello there.



    Welcome to my very first post. I’m beyond excited to kick off this blogging journey and share bits and pieces of my life with all of you – friends, family, and new followers alike. This space is going to be filled with thoughts, stories, and experiences, and I honestly can’t wait for you to dive…