by lily johanna
Welcome to my tiny blog. Make yourself at home.

Welcome to bylilyjohanna
Good to have ya here.
I love traveling and adventures, sipping on coffee (and matcha) in new places, all things home decor, writing, photography, and cooking up new recipes. This is my first year starting a blog, and I cannot wait to get it up and running.
Answers to your questions
Q: What’s your morning routine?
I wish I could call myself a morning person, but I never quite manage to wake up when I want to. Still, when I do, it feels so refreshing. On my earliest days, I’m up by 7:15 AM, quickly get ready, let my dog Alice out, make a honey matcha (thanks to a great friend, who’s gotten me hooked), and, if I can, study in Psalms (which I’m doing with some friends and my sisters as of now) so that I can meditate on it for the rest of the day. Then, if it’s a school day, I jump straight into class.
Q: Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, but when I was seven, my family moved to Kansas. Now, I’ve been here for over ten years! So while I’m Texas-bred, I call Kansas home – though the cold still gets to me, haha.
Q: What is your favorite easy meal?
My favorite meal, hands down, is our elk, sweet potato, onion, and sriracha mayo bowls.
Q: Do you have a posting schedule?
Yes, I do! Mondays will always be Scripture-related, like Bible verses, quotes, or my personal study notes. Tuesdays will be all about my adventures, whether it’s a hike by the nearest lake, a walk through the trails on my property and sights I saw, photographing cattle, a thrifting trip, or even a visit to my favorite local coffee shop. Wednesdays will be dedicated to food – I’ll post multiple times depending on what I’ve made, wheter it’s a snack, dessert, or meal. Thursdays will be my photography day, where I’ll share any photos I’ve taken throughout the week or over the weekend. And I’m especially excited for Fridays – my free writing day, where I can write about whatever is on my mind.
Q: What are your main topics or themes you write about?
My main themes will include Christianity and Scripture, food and diet, adventure and lifestyle, photography, pen palling and journaling, and all things writing.