Psalm 36

Well, hello again. Grab a hot drink and join me in my note-sharing.

Last week, I posted Psalm 35 and I thought I would continue from that this week. I have been studying in Galatians as well and would also like to share notes and thoughts! Stay tuned for more.

This Psalm is very similar to Psalm 1 in reverse, talking about the two roads – blessing and life and diminishment and death. Would you choose life or choose death?

Deep in the heart of an evil person, there is a voice. It lets them do whatever they want. They have no fear of God. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” If you are not constantly looking to the Lord, conscious of His presence, you are headed for trouble.

“Those eyes which have no fear of God before them now, will have the terrors of hell before them forever.” ~ C.H. Spurgon

Begin with the direction of your eyes. The wicked are listening to themselves and what they think. The voice tells the wicked what they want to hear. The wicked man, though the excess of self-love, becomes their own flatterer.

Meditate on Christ. ” ‘In the shadows of your wings, I will rejoice.’ ” ~ David, Psalm 65.

At the end of every day, you should think of the Lord. Meditating upon Him always. Who you are in the dark, who you are in your heart, is who you will become eventually outside. As a man thinks, he will believe. The mind leads, so be careful what voices you allow to dominate in your head. Let the Lord come in. His goodness will fill you and overflow out of you!

Why would you let yourself live a life of pity and self-serving individualism/self-love when you can delight yourself in the Lord Almighty? His is true; He is loving and righteous. Infinitely wise. We want a God that says things we don’t understand. His judgments are like the great deep! The Lord is not to be questioned by us. That’s the reason to delight in Him. We do not need to know His plan at all.

God is protecting His covenantal people. “The shadow of your wings” indicates as a mother watching over her young, shielding and guarding them. God’s universal concern for His mankind. God is a good Creator.

Those who know the Lord are rich in abundance. We know that He is good and we feast on His goodness. We are guests entertained in God’s house.

“Light is there from God for all who seek.” ~ Paul Carter

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it but because by it, I see everything else.” ~ C.S. Lewis

The active rebellions will not last forever. It is wise to remain faithful to God. The wicked and rebels will be wiped out. The righteous will flourish.

Pray that God’s righteousness will sustain you in a fallen and hostile world. Wait for the accomplishment of God’s great plan. “The righteous will shine in the kingdom of their father.” Indeed.

Find Paul Carter’s commentary on Psalm 36 here. Psalm 36

Until the next study. Dive deep into the Bible this week. Glorify the Lord in all you do and rejoice!



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