Happy Thursday. 📸 It’s photo day.
I spent the evening running through the muddy forest with my sisters, chasing after the neighbor’s cattle. What started as a nice walk turned into a fun run when our Pyrenees, Cathy, and Charles, decided to chase us—and the cattle.

The trails were extremely muddy, the kind of mud that clings to your shoes, thick and sticky, as we walked along the path. Though it was messy out, the air felt crisp, a chill still lingering, but there was warmth from the sun breaking through the clouds.

The birds were out, and there were so many robins flying to branch to branch. Alice and Betty absolutely loved getting out of the house, splashing through the puddles, sending sprays of mud into the air.

The trees around us are finally just beginning to show buds on the branches! The ground was littered with wet leaves, but I can’t wait for spring.

The sun shone steadily and made the mud and the wet earth sparkle.

I love the sun shining in the bottom right corner of this photo. Makes it have a rustic vibe.

The bulls were so curious as to what we were doing!

Overall, I loved the walk and enjoyed watching the cows run after us. I hope you all had a great Thursday and are looking forward to the weekend (I know I am). Comment below your favorite photograph.
Until next time, haha.
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